Handing in your Notice – Dos & Dont’s

So you’ve secured a great new role and the future looks bright but the one thing that’s really taking the shine off your celebrations is the thought of having to hand in your notice to your current employer. For many people this can be the most stressful part of the whole job hunting process. How do you tell your current employer that you are leaving them for bigger and better opportunities? 

First things first, before you have that conversation ensure that you have received, read and are happy with the letter of offer or contract from your new employer. Next you need to prepare for your resignation meeting just as you would for an interview. Here are a list of our Dos and Don’ts to help you navigate what can sometimes be a less than comfortable conversation.


·       Make a list of your reasons for wanting to leave and review it before your meeting.

·       Review your contract of employment so you are familiar with your notice period and incorporate this into your conversation so you can agree a finish date.

·       Remember that you may need this manager as a referee in the future so aim to stay professional and leave on good terms.

·       Use professional language and give your manager your full attention.

·       Follow up with a letter of resignation outlining the finish date that was agreed with your manager/HR – it’s always a nice touch to include a short note thanking your employer for the opportunities they have given you in the business. 

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·       Hand in your notice to HR and wait for them to inform your direct manager. Make sure you speak with them personally - they will appreciate this professional courtesy.

·       Become defensive should your manager/HR ask for valid reasons why you are moving on from your current role. It’s entirely likely that they, as an employer, want to hear what their employees think of the company and where they need to improve.

·       Get personal – this is not a time to vent personal grievances with your manager/co-workers – you’re leaving the organisation so leave it behind you! Venting frustrations can only come back to haunt you in the future!

·       Spend your last month in the business acting like you can’t wait to get out of there – carrying out your normal duties in a professional manner will ensure that your managers and co-workers respect your decision to move on. Always offer to train/assist colleagues in your role to cover once you have moved on.

·       Resigning from your job doesn’t need to be stressful – once you are prepared for the meeting, believe in the role you are moving onto and respect your employer, resigning can turn out to be the positive experience you weren’t expecting!

Fiona Peacock